
Premium Membership

Premium membership is completely free and gives access to all areas of the Record Power website. Please see below for full details.

Online support
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Let other users comment on and rate your projects
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Standard Membership

Standard membership is also completely free and ensures privacy of your account. However, this means some features of the website are disabled.

Online support
Online product registration
Favourite page bookmarking
Access to exclusive Full Membership content
Inclusion in exclusive Full Membership promotions
and special offers
Upload projects
Upload galleries of work
Let other users comment on and rate your gallery entries
Let other users comment on and rate your projects
Add and find friends
Keep in Touch with friends online
Leave comments on and rate gallery entries
Leave comments on and rate projects

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Please type the name of your preferred dealer.

Contact Options
From time to time we will advise you of local shows and offers that we think may interest you. Your details will never be passed on to third parties. Please tick the box for each method you WOULD NOT like us to contact you by.

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